Join the Discord

In our Gamers Discord you can share your ideas, gaming hints, and well-being tips with other like-minded individuals.

As Gamewell Gamer, you will know the benefits of healthy gaming. It does not just start with picking up a controller or turning on a computer; it’s a state of mind and a way of life. We understand the need to share your experiences with others on the same journey. To help you do this, we created the Gamer Discord forum.
This is an exclusive community focused around a common goal; healthy gaming. You can share your experience, strengths, and struggles with other like-minded gamers who are working towards the same thing you are. Our forum will be fully moderated, which means that all communication will be appropriate, and your membership is valid for a lifetime.

What is Discord?

Discord is a platform for professional communication. It was originally designed for gamers to coordinate play or talk to each other whilst playing. Discord provides video calls, voice chat, and text chat features.

Why have we chosen Discord?

As gamers, you may well already know about Discord. Its posting and messaging features make it perfect for you to share not only your tactics for gaming, but your well-being strategies. We understand the value of teamwork, both in gaming and out.. As such, we think that our Gamers Discord is the perfect forum for you to continue your journey.

Is Discord easy to use?

It is Discord’s ease of use which has made it so popular. Users can access it through the web, a mobile app, or a desktop program for both Windows or Mac. It has a simple and easy-to-learn layout with loads of useful features.

How to join our discord server

  1. Check the link in your welcome message after joining a Gamewell course.
  2. Copy that link into your internet browser.
  3. If you don’t have a Discord account, please register with the same email address that you registered with Gamewell. After registering, click on the “Have an invite already?” tab, and paste the link there again. 
  4. Once in the server, you’ll have to read and confirm you agree with the rules by clicking to one of the emojis attached below
  5. To increase security, we added mobile verification. Just enter your mobile number and you’ll get a verification code to enter into Discord. Verify your mobile and then you will be able to react to the emojis.
  6. Choose your role: Gamer, Parent or Professional. Remember that after choosing your role you confirm as well that you have read and agreed to the server rules.
  7. If you want to be notified of relevant announcements click on ‘follow’ on the announcements channels. You can unfollow it anytime you want.
  8. Each role has its own unique channels. A role only sees its specified channels: for example, Gamers cannot see the Parent channels, Professionals cannot see the Gamers channel, etc. Each role only sees its specific channels plus general channels and members belonging to its role plus staff members.

How to join our discord server with the windows app


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